Its Maths program is to be considered top notch as is it follows the Singapore Pedagogy. Singapore consistently ranks at the top in international math testing. The intentional progression of concepts in the Singapore math approach instills a deep understanding of mathematics. Two international tests, the TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) and the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), assess math and science competency in countries around the world. Singapore students consistently rank among the top on both tests. Thus, We at Regal Education have adopted this pedagogy in our program in order to raise the rank of our students at, or, above NAEP proficient on US national math assessments. Based on the growing demand for classroom technology, Regal Education is offering digital products alongside traditional print products using 2021 Matholia and NGScience platforms. This shift has accelerated with an increased focus on developing adaptive learning systems that enable classroom teaching to come closer to a one-to-one student-teacher interaction. These systems allow personalized learning that assesses each student’s skill level and uses data to determine how each can progress through lessons most effectively. All products of Regal Education are published in 2021 and have been approved by the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia to be suitable for students in the MENA region