
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

​Where is Regal Education based ?

Regal Education was born and is based in California, US.

What is Regal Education Standard?

Regal Education follows US Common Core for English Language Arts and Mathematics, and NGS Science for Science.

What is Regal Educational Approach?

  • Global Educational Solutions based on the recent research into the “Psychology of Learning”, “Neurolinguistics” and “Neuroscience
  • Modern Approach (fully adapted to the New Normal) 
  • Censored and adapted as per the Global Market
  • Singaporean Methodology, “Education is a Staircase” 
  • By the teachers, For the teachers,  With education at heart

What is Regal Education `s USP?

  • Unique Literacy program that builds up a well-rounded global citizen fully prepared for a New Normal. 
  • Gamification of education on all levels ( Montessori, Mind-map, “Work smart, not Hard” approach, Psychology of Learning, Psychology of Influence, Working with Psychological Barriers, etc.) 
  • Gamebooks for Primary schools that can be used at any stage of unit learning. 
  • Lesson Plans 
  • SOW 

Why does Regal Education use Singaporean Pedagogy?

Singaporean Approach / Pedagogy is recommended by both US and UK officials as one of the most successful models of educational technologies.

We have never seen Regal Education before.

Regal Education is new on the global market. Our global publications are dated to 2021, 2022 and 2023.

What products and Solutions does Regal Education have?

Please review our catalog for more information on product and solutions Regal Education offers.

Regal Education Digital Platform

Regal Education Digital Platform