The best of Saki is a collection of short stories by Hector Hugh Munro.
Hector Hugh Munro was a witty British author who published under the pen name SAKI or H.H. Munro. The inspiration for the pen name “Saki” is unknown, it may be based upon a character in a poem or on a South American monkey. Given Munro’s intellect, wit, and mischievous nature, it’s possible, it was based on both simultaneously. As a writer, Munro (Saki) was a master of the short story form and is often compared to O. Henry.
The stories presented in this book are selected from ‘Reginald’ (1904), ‘Reginald in Russia’ (1910), ‘The Chronicles of Cloris’ (1911), ‘Beasts and Super-beasts’ (1914) and ‘The Toys of Peace’ (1923).